Tareek “Od Reek” Montague Scores Coaching Triumph at @hudsoncatholicnj!
A big congratulations to @od_reek our Director of Cultural Affairs on this new milestone! He has been wholeheartedly embracing his journey and finding joy in the ongoing process. Recognizing that goals are often set with the intention of fulfillment, he marks another achievement off his list. However, he emphasizes that this is just the beginning, expressing gratitude for the opportunity extended by @lamarmcknight and declaring full commitment. Here is your new Special teams Coordinator / Linebacker Assistant Coach at @hudsoncatholicnj ! Now that’s moving forward with purpose! Congratulations again to Tareek!
Photo designed by @youngemeljay of @whathobokensoundslike / @designmafiainc
Photo designed by @youngemeljay of @whathobokensoundslike / @designmafiainc