Happy 50th Birthday to Hip Hop!
Happy Birthday Hip Hop!! Today marks 50 years since Hip-Hop originated and how fitting it is that in 8 days we celebrate not only that but also celebrate the very first Hip-Hop and R&B Festival in Hoboken, NJ!!
With live music by
@djdugspin & @bripee07
Hosted by @meny_myndz
Date : August 19th
Time : 2pm- 7pm
Location : 770 Jackson St.
Hoboken,NJ 07030
With over 40 vendors ranging from food, art, clothing and more!
With live performances by:
@chaseland201 @pootie______ @oneshotonce @kyyinthecut @phatrob310 @reallucaso_g3_ @dopeboidrew @harlemcam @od_reek @bigbossgunner_ @rara2wavy @indigosmorale333 @mp14._ @b.more24 @njpaperchaser @automatic_mula @jonboiiera @mr.deranged @general__ace @angeloctaves @richdoublem @jaynadestinyx and a very special performance by @sorhoboken
Sponsored by:
@wowkidscenter , @thegreenroomnj , @sorhoboken , @hobokenalliance , @hive.athletic , @glugeth_pierguidi , @spinesportshealthcenter , @tommy_the_detailer , @fitfoundryhoboken , @elite_bully_collective_nj , @bethlehemlg (The Gregory Family) , @dr.michaelrussonj and @emilyhobokenmom
See you all on August 19th!! #summerblockfest #whathobokensoundslike